Joining the Movement
The LMMA Network began in the Indo-Pacific, a region that includes vast coastal zones and remote islands whose communities are highly dependent on marine resources for their subsistence and livelihoods.
As it has grown, globally, it has continued to advocate for similar approaches that place communities at the centre in their local contexts. For membership, the LMMA Network invites a variety of people and partners, with a few key requirements:
1. You are using (or planning to use) people-centred LMMA approaches.
Types of Members:

Community Members

Resource Owners

Traditional Leaders

Community Groups
Including Women & Youth

Faith-based Organisations

Elected Decision-makers

Conservation Staff

University Scientists & Researchers

2. You will commit to its Social Contract that places community interests at the heart of all project objectives and acknowledges that strategies/engagement must be culturally respectful and plan beyond the newest grant cycle.

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