The 100-Percent Solution is a game changer designed to bring years of learning to ALL Pacific Island communities and provide real benefits to ALL Pacific peoples in terms of food, nutrition, livelihood, culture and health.


Despite increasing bright spots, the majority communities across the Pacific Islands are not receiving meaningful support to better manage their coastal resources. The 100-Percent Solution is a gamechanger designed to bring years of learning to all Pacific Island communities.

International initiatives often have narrowly focused on pilot sites with the objective of bringing the lessons to scale. But the high-cost of pilot site approaches and the complex governance challenges in developing island nations has put scaling-up out of reach.

In a region highly reliant on coastal resource to meet food and income needs, an LMMA analysis in 2015 of public expenditures in the Pacific Island countries and territories on coastal fisheries management found more than 90 percent of communities received little to no support in managing their coastal resources.

The LMMA 100 Percent Solution in a nutshell:

To ensure sustainable coastal fisheries provide benefits to Pacific people in terms of food, nutrition, livelihood, culture and health. Achieved thru:

A Larger Geographic Reach

Significant results may not be achievable in a single community but need joint action over wider areas and include ALL communities, providing them with rights and support to sustainably manage coastal resources.

A More Integrated Scale of Management

Community livelihoods and resilience depend on more than fish, including watersheds and land management, waste management, disaster preparedness. But all can be addressed through Access to Information and Community-Based Adaptive Management (CBAM).

An Inclusive Scale of Strengthening Institutions and Stakeholders (Vertical Scale)

Recognizing rights and improving governance at traditional and local levels while building institutions at all levels, developing policies and capacities, partnerships, networks and an enabling and supportive environment.